Thursday, April 29, 2010

Artist Statement

Filming for me has evolved from something that I used to simply think was fun, into what I find to be the greatest means of expression. You can use an incredible combination of images, words, and beautiful music to say what you want to say. For me this reel doesn't necessarily tell any kind of story that is rooted somewhere deep within me, but instead my hope for this reel was to gain a confidence in my ability to capture awe-inspiring images, so that I might be able to do so again in the future when my images have a story to tell, or a message to convey. Although, the purpose for my work doesn't always have to be clearly defined, it can simply be to inspire, and to appeal to the indescribable desire for beauty and imagination that all men and women carry in their hearts.

Fo Reel

Reel Yo! from Marcus Tortorici on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I honestly don't know what would technically define a money shot. However I can speculate that it simply means THE shot that we've all been waiting for. The single shot that brings the story to a climax. I also feel that the money shot should be aesthetically pleasing. This scene from Slumdog millionare is all I could find.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Alright, it's getting down to crunch time on the dialogue scenes and I'm slowly developing the look I want to achieve. The scene takes place in the basement of Gorgas Library and it's a story about a guy sees a girl and attempts to woo her, much to his disappointment, she denies him. The look I want to achieve relies heavily on the mood of the piece which I am still mulling over in my head. I'm thinking that I want the lighting to be very simple and non-distracting, while at the same time, I want the lighting to be visually attractive. My idea is to have two or three lamps with tungsten bulbs, so that I can easily transport them around and also not get burned or burn the place down. I'm really hoping that those lamps will provide soft light while cutting shadows in the background. Also I hope to checkout the rolling tripod so I can do some easy dolly shots. I purposely planned to shoot in Gorgas Library because it is super quiet and the floors are slick. This should be perfect for good audio and smooth dolly shots. Also I am still working on the script some. I got really fed up with trying to find a script, because none of the ones I found really blew my skirt up, so I finally just wrote one up. I hope with some tweaking that it will turn out the way I want it to. I also have a guy that goes to my church who writes and plays some great music that should go perfectly with the project. I hope that I don't end up disappointed with the final product. Peace!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Great Movement

I think that the movement here is incredible. Also the use of lighting, and the addition of the mirror was pretty stunning. At the beginning there was that spoon that fell that really seemed to set up the shock factor that came later when the camera slowly revealed the burning barn in the backyard.

This is another awesome video, but when it gets to the 6:30 mark I feel that the camera movement really didn't do much except for distract and take away from the film. I understand that it was to portray him losing his memory and the confusion, but honestly I couldn't seem to focus.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Isenseven - TIMES from Vincent Urban on Vimeo.

Man this video is inspiring to me. I saw it on the homepage of Vimeo not long ago but I love everything about it. In terms of form the one thing that really blew me away was the lighting. There were SO many different lights and so many different colors being thrown at you the whole time. Whether it was a screen flare from the Sun, or if it was traffic zooming by at a sped up rate. Also the many different rack focuses gave it a great feel. This worked especially well when it went together with the speed of the whole project. It seemed so fast paced and exciting. This was achieved in part by the editing with the different boxes, but also through the composition of the shots. Some things were zooming by your face blurred out, and then they would have a slow motion skateboard flipping through the air. They helped create that European feel by having bizarre shots, like snow shooting at the windshield, and they created the busy feeling of European towns by always panning, very few shots were stills. Really cool stuff.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This is a scene from the movie Cloverfield, (directed by Matt Reeves, DP: Michael Bonvillain) in which the city of New York is being attacked by an unknown creature. In order to escape the chaos, our protagonist along with friends, head down to the subway tunnels for safety, which they soon learn to be a mistake. The most interesting thing about this film is that it is filmed from a characters perspective holding a friends handheld camera. This provides for some great cinematography opportunities that the director and DP take full advantage of in this scene. This is a movie that is really hit or miss for people, but as for me, I loved every moment.

The opening shot is great in terms of setting the mood. The entire shot is pitch black except for just a few very dim overhead lights lighting the tunnel. This is perfect to show how they are going into the “unknown” darkness with only a few lights barely enabling them to see in front of their face. This really creates a feeling of helplessness too.

They finally get the onboard light on, which in essence becomes their key light. This light only illuminates objects two or three feet in front of it, the rest falling away into darkness, and when the light hits it really overexposes. This light is perfect for the scene because it causes every subject to get right up to the camera in order to be seen, really making the viewer seem like their line of sight is being blocked in a place where you want to see what’s coming next. I found myself craning my neck in order to see around the subject in the shot.

Here we have a nice medium close up in which the subject seems to be in an infinite abyss of darkness. Creating another terrible feeling of groping through blackness not knowing where you’re going. All that is seen up ahead is another tiny ceiling light marking their next destination. Also her face is overexposed, making her seem as his her face has lost all color, a typical response to fear.

This shot has some awesome levels going on which really show how far the light is able to throw. The woman closest to the camera is well lit while the two people right after slowly fall out of the shot because they are not lit well enough, yet another great way to show their descent into darkness. The camera represents safety, because that is where the light is. The characters hear a noise but they cannot see where it came from because no matter what light they are in, all three characters still cannot see.

This is one of my favorites. Here we have three patches of light, one small light on the wall, which really just creates some dimensions to the shot without revealing anything. We have one pool of light in the back, and then a lake of blackness, showing this unknown area where the rats are coming out of. They keep wondering what the rats are running away from, and the light tells the story in that we have no idea what they are running from.

Another good close up shot, the character is out of focus and only half of his face is on screen. This signifies well how they are completely blinded by bright light and darkness, and no one’s eyes can focus on what’s up ahead.

Finally the night vision comes on in this close up and instantly reveals what we have been hearing and fearing the whole time. I like the framing of this shot too, the creatures are up above creating a dominating feeling, and a feeling as if they are about to pounce. Also there is some great depth going on here, with an out of focus face in the foreground and in focus creatures in the background.

This is a shot conveying panic. It is from the ground level perspective and there is dust being kicked up from everywhere. The creature is out of focus and the viewer feels very panicky and disoriented at this point. Also the cameraman, (a character named Hud) is in a weak position, consistent with the story-line. The handheld camera is at its best in this shot.

The final shot is them finally escaping the tunnel and getting to a safe place. The lighting tells the story yet again. Here we have a well-lit place signifying safety and we see utter blackness through the door, highlighting in a way the terrible place they just came from. Also the blood on the lens helps create a feeling of fear as well.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Let There Be Light

I am no photographer, but I took this picture, and decided to use it because I really liked the lighting in it. It's very overexposed first off, I took it very close up to the subject with the flash on in order to do so. You can still make out some of the bright colors in these flowers though. It's up against a very plain background in order to make the flowers seem even prettier than they are.

I also took this next photo on the quad one day earlier this semester. It was high noon and the sun was right above this huge tree full of squirriels, and I really like the way the shadows were cast on the little guy. The light is very ha
and the leaves and branches create hard, sharp, shadows throughout the tree. He is also framed a bit to the right to give some of the attention to the detailed branch next to him.

This photo was taken by my friend Sara. The
color in this photo is amazing. It is so bright and the colors really pop. Also the clouds make for a nice touch in the background. The way the sun lights the kayaks gives a great feel for Summer time at the beach. Very tropical.

The next photo was taken by my friend JD. I really like the lighting in this as it comes over the top of the factory creating an intense silhouette. also there are at least five different shades of color in this one. It starts with a bright white and then goes to light blue all the way to dark blue. Also the lens flare is pretty awesome from the sunlight.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Portrait Of An Event: Shuffle

This was shot by Cody Abbot on a park bench near the Black Warrior River. It's a simple game of 5 card draw with some pretty high stakes. Thanks to my lovely girlfriend Aspen Harris for acting, and my good friend Malcom Mcdonald for helping out as well. Enjoy.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I have always heard that pre-production is the most important part of the filmmaking process...and I'm starting to believe it. Although running and gunning is a lot of fun, it can be sloppy. The last project I worked on was a CMF project in which we planned out every single shot, and believe it or not it went much smoother than in the past when we used to just wing it. I wrote out a shot list for this project and have already filmed it. Honestly without that shot-list, things would have gotten ugly. It was freezing outside and I wanted to get it finished, the shot list served as the perfect checklist.

In order to build a narrative of a place it's all about the style of shooting. I DP'd for Cody at Bryce Mental Hospital and hopefully I was able to capture the mood he intended to set. I felt that the key was going to be distortion and angles. Hopefully the focusing was symbolic of the mental distortion those patients felt many years ago. We shall see. This is fun though.

Grace and Peace.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Learning is FUN!

I have learned a good deal this week I would say. It's been very busy due to CMF, but I have learned a lot during it, even if it may have been the hard way. So apparently 24p means it looks like the movies? but then it when in Final Cut, 24p makes the film look like there is a fold in time taking place? Short depth of field looks pretty sweet and I think I've finally got my head wrapped around it. Recording audio in a booth instead of from the shotgun is money. putting something in the foreground and blurring it out looks nice. Also you can make a room look like its full of people with only a few people and the right angles. Patience, repetition, and attention to detail is key. Filming in the shade is freezing.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Filmmaking Goals

When I got to the University of Alabama, I had no set goals when it came to Filmmaking. I knew that whatever I did with my time here, I wanted to be able to look back and be confident that I spent wisely the time the Lord had granted me. I have a clearer picture now of which path I am being led down. I feel that there is a great need and calling for Filmmakers to use the skills and talents granted them in order to somehow give glory to the most high God. Everywhere I look, I see media being used as a vehicle for sin and filth, this could be my chance to try and reverse that trend. Documentaries seem to be the best way to accomplish this, by filming mission trips and using them to motivate other missionaries, but also feature length films can affect people in an incredible way.

That being said I have many goals for this class. I want to come out of this class very comfortable and confident with a camera in my hands. I want to know the ins and outs of the technical aspects of it. I want to know how to frame and light certain shots for different types of projects. More than just knowing how to frame the shots, I want to be able to accurately tell a story by the way that the shots flow together. Beyond simply filming, I desire to feel confident working with Final Cut. Editing for me has always been a weak point, and I really want to turn that around. Practically for the near future, I want to know how to put a montage of action shots together and put music behind it. I am working as a videographer this Summer doing just that, and I could definitely be more equipped before I head off.

Monday, January 18, 2010


This picture was taken by a guy I know named Jeremy Cavness who specializes in wedding photography. I find this picture visually compelling because the subject is not your typical model, but instead he is a very young child. This picture perfectly captures the eagerness of a small child in a setting and costume you would never expect a child to be in. It has a kind of old school feel to it with the sharp red bricks in the background and the retro popcorn box and top hat. In a sense it reminds me of the 1920's, which is also my favorite era.

This picture was taken by G.O. Howell. I find this picture to be visually and meaningfully compelling because it seems to sum up an American mentality and mindset. You have an abandoned Christmas day scene with the crucifixion of Jesus on the television, neither of which no one is paying any attention to. We, as Americans, typically are trying to fly through life and we completely miss the purpose and lack the ability to appreciate things that others don't have.

This picture was taken by G.O. Howell. When I first saw this picture it affected me in many ways. What I like a lot about this picture is how it captures an innocent side to a country that can be somewhat wild and dangerous. This is really a picture of my future one day, in that I will hopefully will be working in India spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This picture is also eye opening in terms of how real the poverty is in third world countries, especially when compared to where we live.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Top Ten Films



Fantastic Mr. Fox


Benjamin Button

V For Vendetta


Blood Diamond

Sin City

Remember the Titans