Monday, February 8, 2010


I have always heard that pre-production is the most important part of the filmmaking process...and I'm starting to believe it. Although running and gunning is a lot of fun, it can be sloppy. The last project I worked on was a CMF project in which we planned out every single shot, and believe it or not it went much smoother than in the past when we used to just wing it. I wrote out a shot list for this project and have already filmed it. Honestly without that shot-list, things would have gotten ugly. It was freezing outside and I wanted to get it finished, the shot list served as the perfect checklist.

In order to build a narrative of a place it's all about the style of shooting. I DP'd for Cody at Bryce Mental Hospital and hopefully I was able to capture the mood he intended to set. I felt that the key was going to be distortion and angles. Hopefully the focusing was symbolic of the mental distortion those patients felt many years ago. We shall see. This is fun though.

Grace and Peace.

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