Monday, March 29, 2010


Alright, it's getting down to crunch time on the dialogue scenes and I'm slowly developing the look I want to achieve. The scene takes place in the basement of Gorgas Library and it's a story about a guy sees a girl and attempts to woo her, much to his disappointment, she denies him. The look I want to achieve relies heavily on the mood of the piece which I am still mulling over in my head. I'm thinking that I want the lighting to be very simple and non-distracting, while at the same time, I want the lighting to be visually attractive. My idea is to have two or three lamps with tungsten bulbs, so that I can easily transport them around and also not get burned or burn the place down. I'm really hoping that those lamps will provide soft light while cutting shadows in the background. Also I hope to checkout the rolling tripod so I can do some easy dolly shots. I purposely planned to shoot in Gorgas Library because it is super quiet and the floors are slick. This should be perfect for good audio and smooth dolly shots. Also I am still working on the script some. I got really fed up with trying to find a script, because none of the ones I found really blew my skirt up, so I finally just wrote one up. I hope with some tweaking that it will turn out the way I want it to. I also have a guy that goes to my church who writes and plays some great music that should go perfectly with the project. I hope that I don't end up disappointed with the final product. Peace!

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